72 Reasons to Pray

1. The Holy Spirit sanctifies your prayers (changes them), so that God answers them for your good, Romans 8:26.

2.              God loves to answer the prayers of his people, Proverbs 15:8; Psalm 17:6; 65:2.

3.              Apart from Christ and prayer, you can do nothing, John 15:5, 7.

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4.              God acts when you pray, Daniel 9:20-23; 10:12.

5.              Prayer keeps you from temptation and sin, Matthew 6:13; 26:41.

6.              Jesus prayed, Hebrews 5:7; Luke 6:12.

7.              God gives you peace when you pray, Philippians 4:4-6.

8.              God healed Miriam’s physical sickness when Moses prayed, Numbers 12:13.

9.              God sent rain when Elijah prayed, James 5:15.

10.           God gives you daily sustenance when you pray, Matthew 6:11; James 5:18.

11.           Spiritual growth happens in others when you pray, Philippians 1:9-11; Colossians 4:12.

12.           Prayer is how we thank God, Philippians 1:3-5.

13.           God gave Ezra safety on his journey when he prayed, Ezra 8:21-23. 

14.           Prayer is necessary to know spiritual truth in the Bible, Psalm 119:18; Ephesians 1:15-19.

15.           It takes supernatural ability, that only comes through prayer, to know the love of God, Ephesians 3:14-21.

16.           Prayer keeps Christians in His name, John 17:11.

17.           To have gospel words that are effective, you must pray, Ephesians 6:17-20.

18.           To have opportunities for sharing the gospel, you must pray, Colossians 4:2-4.

19.           Christ told us to pray for more believers to be fishers of men, Matthew 9:37-38.

20.           Prayer is necessary to repent, Daniel 9; 2 Chronicles 6:37.

21.           In prayer you praise God, Psalm 66.

22.           Pray is needed to sustain your resolves to live for Christ, 2 Thessalonians 1:11.

23.           Prayer humbles you, 1 Peter 5:6-7; Philippians 4:6.

24.           Prayer was the early church’s pattern in sending missionaries, Acts 13:3.

25.           Prayer enables sweet fellowship with your Christian friends, Romans 1:10.

26.           Paul prayed for the unsaved to be saved, Romans 10:1.

27.           You can complain to God in prayer, Psalm 64:1.

28.           When you pray, you are being obedient, Romans 12:12.

29.           To live in Christian harmony at your church, you must pray, Romans 15:5.

30.           Paul prayed for believers to abound in joy, peace and hope, Romans 15:13.

31.           Pray deliverers you from harmful people, non-believers, Romans 15:31.

32.           For your acts of service to be effective you must pray, Romans 15:31.

33.           Prayer is the means by which your fellowship with other Christians will be refreshing, Romans 15:32.

34.           Paul prayed that the God of peace would be with believers, Romans 15:33.

35.           To live a peaceful life, you should pray, 1 Timothy 2:1.

36.           Prayer is warfare, 1 Timothy 1:18; 2:1.                                                                                                              

37.           Paul prayed that the Word would lead Timothy to live a holy life, 1 Timothy 4:5.

38.           Pray and fast, so that your fasting will not be wasted, Nehemiah 1:4.

39.           You express sorrow in prayer, Nehemiah 1:4.

40.           Prayer is asking that God would be attentive to your prayers, Nehemiah 1:6.

41.           Prayer moves God to remember his promises, Nehemiah 1:9; Isaiah 62:6-7; Moses’ whole life. 

42.           When you pray, you know you are doing God’s work, Isaiah 62:6-7.

43.           In prayer, you can tell God your problems, Psalms 3:1-2.

44.           Prayer gives relief from our enemies, Psalm 5:10.

45.           Prayer is the method which you use to ask God questions, Psalm 10:1.

46.           To bring the judgment of the end times, you must pray, Revelation 5:8; 8:4.

47.           Because the end is near, you are called to pray, 1 Peter 4:7.

48.           To be released from prison, and for others to be released from prison you must pray, Philippians 1:19.

49.           The highest privilege is knowing God. When you pray you can pray to know God, Ephesians 1:17.

50.           God listens when we pray, 1 Peter 3:12.

51.           God gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask for him, Luke 11:13.

52.           The early church prayed, Acts 2:42

53.           Believers, in the Bible, prayed to have children, Luke 1:12; 1 Samuel 1:17; Genesis 25:21.

54.           Failure to pray for others is a sin, 1 Samuel 12:23.

55.           Prayer opens your eyes to that you can see the hand of God at work, 2 Kings 6:18.

56.           In the New Testament, the believers prayed that the gospel would be accompanied by signs and wonders, and the casting out of demons, Acts 4:29-30; Mark 9:29.

57.           When we pray, God delivers miraculously, Acts 12:5, 12.

58.           Pray is needed to have qualified leadership in the church, Acts 14:23.

59.           The church is unified when the church prays for unity, John 17:20-21.

60.           Greater discernment and knowing God’s will is the result of prayer, Philippians 1:9-10.

61.           Greater faith is gained through prayer, Mark 9:24.

62.           God protects us from the evil one when we ask him to do so, Matthew 6:13.

63.           No other religion has a God who hears them when they pray, Deuteronomy 4:7.

64.           Prayer is an awesome privilege, Deuteronomy 4:7; Ecclesiastes 5:1-3.

65.           Prayer is designed so that instead of not having, you have, James 4:2.

66.           Nothing of significance will happen unless you pray. Prayer gives God the glory and that alone is significant, John 15.

67.           When we pray, God gives grace, Hebrews 4:16.

68.           The church was gathered to pray when Peter was led out of prison by the angel, Acts 12:12.

69.           The book of Psalms is a series of prayers to teach us how to pray, Psalm 1-150.

70.           When Hezekiah got a nasty letter from Sennacherib the king of Assyria, he prayed and the Lord answered and killed 185,000 Assyrians, 2 Kings 19.

71.           The only effective soul-work is done in prayer, Psalm 139:23-24, Psalm 1-150.

72. Prayer is the necessary response to reading the Bible, Psalm 119.

Here’s are some good links to help you pray.

