4 ways to not be nothing – something


Without Christ we can do nothing. Just think about it. Nothing. If he is not totally, super, hyper involved -nothing. Makes you wonder then, if somebody else is getting the glory, is he there? Nothing. Zero. Abide in me and my Word abide in you. Without him nothing. Ask whatever you wish. Let those words slosh around for awhile.

We read, the Holy Spirit opens our eyes, we abide in Him, we think about it (meditation memorization) and pray. Ask. Then when things happen we know it will not be a nothing. At least not in God’s eyes. But who would want something, if God thinks it’s a nothing. Nope.

Here are the steps:

  1. Pray for eyes to see, Psalm 119:18; Ephesians 1:15ff
  2. Read the Bible, Psalm 119; Romans 15:4; Luke 9:35
  3. Think about what you’ve read, 2 Timothy 2:7; Psalm 119:11; Jeremiah 15:16; Psalm 1.
  4. Pray. Pray about what you’ve read. Pray about what it caused you to think about. Pray about how you were convicted.

Matthew 9:34-38. Pray for harvesters. Ask God to warm your heart, energize your friendships, move you to tears for non-Christians in your sphere of influence. Pray that God would make you into a new friend maker. And a friend of sinners. Are you more known for your Christian friendships or your non-Christian friendships? Jesus had a reputation and it wasn’t for knowing so many believers.

It is helpful to read good books. I have listed two excellent resources, but at the end of the day, you must pray. In fact, pray right now for yourself. Ask God to move you to pray. Ask God to help you see how dependent you are on His grace. Ask God to make you a missionary in your neighborhood, workplace, and friendship sphere.

My first choice is a little book by Don Whitney, Praying the Bible. It is sold as a Kindle book for $2.39. Read it and then begin reading the Bible and praying, reading and praying.

My second recommendation is a book by Tim Keller. It is excellent. Read a chapter, then pray.
