Month: January 2021

Links and Liberia

We spend time on the internet. Time! The clock gallops as we harmlessly scan links and sites and videos and blogs and the news. We can feed ourselves with solid digitized food instead of the time gobbling videos, news stories, and assorted menu items… Continue Reading “Links and Liberia”

Mostly Pictures

Pictures. They may not be worth 1,000 words, but they are worth something. I’ve added a little commentary below each one.

Homework in Liberia

At GraceLife Seminary in Liberia, after the initial 7 days of instruction there are reading, listening, and writing assignments. Here is one of the sermons I will ask students to analyze and respond to. I will ask them how the sermon will change: their… Continue Reading “Homework in Liberia”

Feeling Blessed

Greetings from Monrovia, Liberia – Grace Life Bible College, Seminary, and Church. My three-month assignment has only begun and I am overwhelmed at the quality of the ministry, the leaders, the students, and the graciousness of the Liberian church. It’s been a delightful first… Continue Reading “Feeling Blessed”