Month: December 2019

Asia Update and 2020 plans

December 19, 2019 Dear friends and family, Some of you have asked how I feel about the ministry of TLI now that I’ve been doing this for a year and a half. The answer is… I love it! I can’t think of a better… Continue Reading “Asia Update and 2020 plans”

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo – Why Jesus did miracles

Great article. Read it and then pick up your Bible!–MnsYm88r4dAxtQgz5aXt2YoHpfpYM-TW3hKDsQKk1bgzryTWFw8lmgYMxDcrNBKpH8QzUnH1RcEGxQJOPExnqi-4Ovx0LoM25Me4KWPeGcOdrueNdaZyjpVVFCxT2czfDbLgB&_hsmi=80508694