March 2019 Liberia

Liberia March 14-23, 2019. My next trip

March 14 will find me on an airplane for the 40+ hour trip back to Liberia (see Liberia 1.0) I will be teaching the Gospel of Mark to 10-15 students and guiding them in preparing a sermon from a passage in the same book.

Prayer Requests

Here are nine requests. Please pray…

1.         That the men can come to the training. Some travel several days on a motorcycle on very poor roads to come. 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

2.         For finances. Most of the men have full time jobs and take from 7-10 days off work to come to the training. Philippians 4:19

3.         None of the men in my December class had read the entire Bible. Pray that they would set their minds to do this.  2 Timothy 2:15; Acts 20:27

4.         That they would truly love the Lord. Matthew 22:37-40

5.         That they would have eyes to see the truths in the Bible. Psalm 119:18

6.         That they would learn a method for preparing sermons. That they would develop a good pattern for preparation. 1 Timothy 4:11-16; Ezra 7:10

7.         Pray for their marriages. 1 Timothy 3; Ephesians 5:25-33; 1 Peter 3:7

8.         There are many unreached tribal peoples in Liberia. Pray that the Liberian church would send missionaries to these people. Matthew 24:14

9.         The health and wealth heresy is rampant in Africa, this includes Liberia. Pray that they would understand the Bible’s teaching on money, suffering, and contentment, 2 Corinthians 4-6; 6:10