Category: Liberia

Valentine’s Day in Liberia, and an American Spiritual

February 14 in Liberia is the same as in the U.S. – Valentine’s Day. It also marks Vickie’s and my 40th wedding anniversary. We will celebrate in April when I return. GraceLife Church hosted a Valentine’s Day dinner party for couples at a member’s… Continue Reading “Valentine’s Day in Liberia, and an American Spiritual”

Classic Liberian food and a Sweet School

This morning after breakfast I hit the books for a couple of hours – so thankful for Kindle books! I’m continuing the series on Colossians at GraceLife church and teaching a class next week for the Bible College. I love my parchments/books. I took… Continue Reading “Classic Liberian food and a Sweet School”

Links and Liberia

We spend time on the internet. Time! The clock gallops as we harmlessly scan links and sites and videos and blogs and the news. We can feed ourselves with solid digitized food instead of the time gobbling videos, news stories, and assorted menu items… Continue Reading “Links and Liberia”

Mostly Pictures

Pictures. They may not be worth 1,000 words, but they are worth something. I’ve added a little commentary below each one.