Month: February 2021

Bugs, Breakfast, Breaks

I’ve been busy: teaching, preaching, preparing, eating. I’m speaking in chapel today on assurance of salvation. Sunday, I’m continuing the series on Colossians – 3:1-4. The text preaches on its own, I just have to get out of the way. In class we are… Continue Reading “Bugs, Breakfast, Breaks”

Every Man Needs to Read This

Greg Morse is one of my favorite writers. I’ve googled and searched for his articles and they are all golden. Here is one of his best.

Why Evangelize? 58 Reasons

Valentine’s Day in Liberia, and an American Spiritual

February 14 in Liberia is the same as in the U.S. – Valentine’s Day. It also marks Vickie’s and my 40th wedding anniversary. We will celebrate in April when I return. GraceLife Church hosted a Valentine’s Day dinner party for couples at a member’s… Continue Reading “Valentine’s Day in Liberia, and an American Spiritual”